TimeFix Mac OS

TimeFix Mac OS

May 28 2021

TimeFix Mac OS

If you manage dual-boot Macs, or even just have your own dual-boot Mac, you may have noticed the annoying tendency of your Mac clocks to be incorrect when you reboot from Windows into Mac OS. This occurs because the Windows internal clock uses the local time zone to manage its time while Mac OS internal clock uses GMT.

We have a Mac mini build server running 10.9.5 and sometimes the build fails on the codesign command, which fails because of the timestamp on one of the files. The way we usually 'fix' this is to simply go on the build server and update the time (either graphically by clicking the clock or in the command line), then the next build will succeed. Power on your Mac without peripherals attached. If your Mac starts up without issue when you don't have any peripherals attached, you'll know that a faulty peripheral or cable caused the gray screen problem. Shut down your Mac again, reconnect a peripheral, and then restart your Mac. Continue this process until you find the bad peripheral.


As posted in variousforums and sites, the solution is to modify the Windows Registry as follows.

  1. Launch regedit.exe.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTimeZoneInformation.
  3. Create a new key called RealTimeIsUniversal (case-sensitive!)
  4. Give the key a DWORD Value (displays as REG_DWORD)of 1.

Time Fix Mac Os 7


Time Fix Mac Os X

If you’re not comfortable modifying the registry by hand, I’ve created a registry patch file that, when double-clicked in Windows, will make the modification for you. (You can verify the contents of the patch by opening it in Notepad.) Download the patch here.

TimeFix Mac OS

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