Kill Dr. Cote Mac OS

Kill Dr. Cote Mac OS

May 30 2021

Kill Dr. Cote Mac OS

All-mighty Mac system monitor
Control CPU, memory, and whatnot with iStat Menus app.
  • The dock is a user-friendly feature on your Mac, it keeps the app in front of you on your Mac’s desktop for easy access. But, do you know that Dock can also serve as an alternative to Control + Alt + Delete on Mac.
  • Three years after introducing special apps that run inside the Chrome browser, Google announced Friday that it will be removing them from Windows, Mac and Linux by early 2018.
  • There are several ways you can reset OneDrive on Mac but three methods take priority over all others: Kill OneDrive processes, access and delete the OneDrive keys, and utilize the covert reset OneDrive script. Kill OneDrive Processes. Open up your 'Utilities' folder. Launch 'Activity Monitor.'
  • When you delete files on your Mac, OS X still leaves fragments of the file all over the free space on your hard disk drive, until these are written over by new files. If you want to securely delete all the remaining fragments on a hard disk drive (for example if you're going to sell your Mac), then execute the following command.

When your Mac slows down or starts behaving erratically, chances are it's because an application that's running, perhaps in the background, is misbehaving. And if it's not an application that's causing the problem, it will almost certainly be a process associated with macOS or an ancillary service.

Kill is a program to send signals (terminate or just 'signals') to Unix programs - and in OS X, all programs are Unix programs. Killall is the same, but you can use the name of the program instead of its process ID (pid). The dark side is that if you have more than one program with the same name, all programs will receive the kill signal.

Solving this problem is usually as simple as killing the process, but in order to do that you need to identify which one.Here's a comprehensive guide on how to view and kill processes on your Mac.

Best task killers for Mac

Try the best tools that help you find and kill processes hampering your Mac's performance.

How to show which processes consume a lot of memory

The easiest way to view all active processes running on your Mac is to launch Activity Monitor from your Applications folder. In the default CPU tab, you can see how much processing power every process takes, ranked by the most consuming. And if you switch to the Memory tab, you will see the same list ranked by the amount of used up RAM.

Kill Dr. Cote Mac Os 13

For more immediate and elaborate information on how your computer resources are consumed, use iStat Menus, which handily lives in your menu bar and, in its MEM table, shows you applications and processes that are consuming more than their fair share of RAM in real time.

How to kill process using Activity Monitor

  1. Launch Activity Monitor.
    The easiest way to launch Activity Monitor is to press Command and spacebar to call up Spotlight, then start typing Activity Monitor. When it appears in Spotlight, hit Return to launch it. Alternatively, go to Utilities in the Applications folder and double-click on its icon. Or open Activity Monitor in one click through iStat Menus app.
  2. View and filter tasks.
    You'll notice there are five tabs across the top of the Activity Monitor window: CPU, Energy, Memory, Disk, and Network. Clicking on any of those tabs organizes processes according to the percentage of the resource they are using. So, clicking on CPU lists tasks in the order of how much CPU capacity they're using. By default, processes are ordered starting with the one that's consuming the most of the resource at the top, so you can quickly see where problems are occurring or likely to occur. To flip the order, so that processes consuming the least of the resource are at the top, click the arrow next to Memory or CPU above the list of processes.
  3. Kill problematic processes.
    When you identify a process that's causing a problem, either because it's hogging lots of CPU cycles or memory, or because it's highlighted in the Activity Monitor as having crashed, you need to kill it. To do that, click on the process first and then on the X in the Activity Monitor toolbar. The process will quit and free up the resources it was taking up. If it's a critical process, it will restart. If it's an application, it will remain shut down.

Activity Monitor alternatives

Get an advanced system monitor for macOS – an improved alternative to the default program.

How to shut down processes using Terminal

  1. Launch Terminal. Press Command and spacebar to pull up Spotlight then start typing Terminal. When the Terminal app appears in Spotlight, tap Return to launch it. Alternatively, navigate to the Utilities folder in Applications and double-click Terminal.
  2. View processes. When Terminal has launched, type 'top' into the Terminal window. You'll see a list of currently running processes. At the top of the list is an overview of the processes that are running and the resources they're consuming.
  3. Kill an unwanted process. When you identify a process that's causing a problem or consuming too many resources, take note of the number in the PID column next to the name of the process. To kill the process, type 'kill -9' followed by the PID number. Press Enter. The problem process will now quit.

How to prevent problematic processes

You can pretty much avoid issues altogether by being a little bit proactive in hunting down the common culprits. Here, iStat Menus will help you identify which applications or processes are consuming finite resources, such as CPU and RAM.

Then, you can use CleanMyMac maintenance routines that, when run regularly, will keep you Mac running smoothly. Here's how to do that:

  1. Launch Setapp and search for CleanMyMac.
  2. Find the maintenance scripts. Under the Speed section in the left sidebar, click on Maintenance. You will see a list of tasks that CleanMyMac would suggest you to perform to optimize your Mac. You should try to run them all, but the one especially important for us is under Run Maintenance Scripts.
  3. Run the maintenance scripts. Click on the checkbox next to Run Maintenance Scripts and then click Run. Alternatively, choose another specific maintenance script such as Speed Up Mail or Reindex Spotlight and click Run. When it's finished, click Select Tasks to return to the list of maintenance tasks.

Run other tasks, as necessary. If you're having problems with Mail, repeat step 3, but this time click the checkbox next to Speed Up Mail. Likewise, if Spotlight is running slowly, run the Reindex Spotlight task.

How to kill a background process

To kill a background process, use Activity Monitor. While the steps are the same as described in the 'How to kill a running process using Activity Monitor' section above, the key difference is that background processes often have obscure names that don't clearly describe what they do.

Be careful when killing a background process and, if not sure, leave it alone or search online for its exact role in your system. Otherwise, you might risk causes problems for your macOS. Generally, background processes don't tend to consume significant RAM or CPU cycles, so if you spot one that does, it has probably got into trouble. Kill it using the X in the Activity Monitor toolbar.

How to easily remove startup items

One common cause of Macs running slowly or having problems is items that launch automatically at startup. These could be helper apps for something like iTunes or just complete apps in their own right. They are also frequently apps you once used but no longer need.

To review the apps and helpers that startup when you log in

  1. Launch System Preferences from the Apple menu and click on the Users & Groups pane.
  2. Click the padlock and type in your password.
  3. Then select your username in the left panel and click the Login Items tab.
  4. Look through all the login items that correspond to apps you no longer use and then click the minus button. The app will no longer start up automatically when you log in.

How to Force Quit an application that's not responding

Kill dr. cote mac os x

If you see the dreaded spinning beachball, or an app just won't do anything, you should force quit it.

There are several ways to force quit an unresponsive application:

  1. Press Command-Alt-Esc and click on the application in the window that opens. Press Force Quit
  2. Control-click or right-click on the application's icon in the Dock and choose Force Quit
  3. Launch Activity Monitor, locate the application and press the 'x' in the toolbar
  4. Locate the process in Activity monitor, look for the entry in the PID column and launch Terminal. Type 'kill -9' followed by the PID number. Press Enter

Fix crashing apps with Spindump

While Force Quit will fix the problem, it’s a temporary solution. If you’re determined to identify the source of crashing apps and prevent them from happening, use Spindump on Mac. It’s a hang reporting tool that alerts you about the crash and helps share the details with the app developer.

Whenever the app crashes, it will trigger Spindump and send the information to Apple or the app developer. Not only does it help you understand what just happened, but it also helps the developer track the conditions of app misbehavior — and fix it accordingly. A win-win.

How to create a Spindump file on Mac

  1. Launch Activity Monitor via Applications > Utilities
  2. Pick the app for which you want to create a Spindump file, then click on the Settings icon
  3. Select Spindump or Run Spindump
  4. Wait a few seconds for the file to generate
  5. Click Save.

Reset a problematic app

There's one more thing you can try if an app keeps running slowly or crashing – reset it. Thanks to CleanMyMac, resetting an app is easy. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Locate the uninstaller. In the left hand sidebar of CleanMyMac, click on Uninstaller under Applications.
  2. Find the app that's causing a problem. Scroll through the list of apps until you find the one that's been crashing or running slowly. Click on it to highlight.
  3. Reset the app. With the app highlighted, you'll see all the files associated with it in the right-hand window. Click Application Reset at the top of the window and all the files, except the main application file, will be selected.
  4. Click Uninstall. All the selected files will be trashed, effectively resetting the application to its default state. When you launch it the next time, it will behave as if it has just been installed — so you'll need to recreate any custom settings or preferences.

If resetting the app doesn't work, the final resort should be to uninstall the app completely and reinstall it. To do that, click Complete Uninstallation in the same menu instead of Application Reset.

As you can see there are lots of different ways and apps that help you view and kill processes in macOS. iStat Menus is a great way to passively monitor which processes are causing problems, so you can launch Activity Monitor and quit them. And running CleanMyMac's maintenance scripts regularly prevents problems occurring in the first place. Best of all, all these apps are available to try for free on Setapp, along with over 200 high-quality macOS apps. So check your Mac for problematic processes now and see what you find.

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The Slacker's Guide - Lazy Summer Days

by Chris Barylick
August 5th, 2005

As summer's 97 degree days slip by, a combination of free time, air conditioning and the best of shareware gaming have created a comfortable geek nest in which to dwell.

Kill Dr. Cote

Kill Dr. Cote Mac Os X

First on this list is Kill Dr. Cote, Justin Ficarrotta's Mac OS X recreation of the classic overhead twitch-shooter. Simple, to the point, practically soaked in gore and perfect for both a quick five minute game as well as an hour plus of seeing how far you can go without dying, Kill Dr. Cote recreates a classic Smash TV arcade feel in which players must defend themselves from an arena full of encroaching zombies using only a gun, grenades and whatever weapons they happen to find.

True, the idea may not be completely original, but Ficarrotta recreates a classic almost to perfection. Kill Dr. Cote even drew enough attention to draw the adoring glances of the monkey-lovin' Freeverse Software, which tapped him to help create their Kill Monty shooter using his work as a template. Overall game play is both fun and challenging and tactics become critical as players must learn to control a veritable tide of opponents rushing towards them via limited means. Strategies may range from confronting the mass head-on to aiming grenades towards the center mass of the mob to a movement pattern that strafes around the edge of the screen and focuses on remaining alive.

Free to all without registration fees and requiring only Mac OS X 10.0 or later to run, Kill Dr. Cote is a 6.6 MB download that occupies a mere 8.5 MB of hard drive space when decompressed. Freeverse's Kill Monty, which functions as an iconic amalgamation of Kill Bill, The Matrix and several of Freeverse's own titles as well as Kill Dr. Cote, requires a 500 MHz or faster G3 processor, 256 MB of RAM and 20 MB of hard drive space. The game will run in a demo mode for several launches before its serial number (available for $12.95) is required to activate it.


Perhaps one of the strangest shareware games I've ever seen, this is definitely one of the best. Lugaru by Wolfire Software, tells the story of Turner, an anthropomorphic rabbit warrior fighting to avenge his slain family and village in the context of a three dimensional fighting game.

Unlike anything you've ever played, Lugaru uses an adjustable camera system with standard movement and control keys to allow players to move across the terrain, grab weapons, jump and initiate combo attacks against opponents. One of the most technologically advanced shareware titles you may ever see, the game features fully detailed models, intricate textures, extensive levels (which come in handy when sneaking around a group of enemies or in luring individual opponents out for one on one combat), extraordinarily precise rag doll physics (mistime a landing as you jump onto a slanted surface and the character will fall) and a sound system that makes you glad you bought your external speakers, Wolfire has done their homework and it shows.

Preparing for swordplay in Wolfire Software's Lugaru.

The term 'shareware' hasn't always carried the most professional associations with it, and, like anything, there are shades of gray. Often ranked among fledgling, 'Hello World'-esque programming attempts, there exists a stigma that the quality of the work will be amateurish. Whether a labor of love or something else, Wolfire has made Lugaru a lightning-paced, well-plotted game with a dark feel and a genuinely gripping story line comparable to the best of any game commercially available for any platform. This is a tale of revenge for a protagonist that's lost everything and the game pulls no punches where its plot is concerned.

Finally, the game is simply fun with a look all its own. Head into a battle and the computer will test your limits, tactics and reflexes. Attempt the same technique two or three times in a row and the computer will catch on, block the effort, then change its own tactics as a result. Take on multiple enemies at once and the computer will make no concessions to the player by focusing one a single battle between the player and a given opponent while other opponents 'orbit' the battle until their turn to fight arrives.

Attack a mob, and you have just that to defeat. A mob. And unless you can figure out a way to kill multiple opponents within seconds of their taking notice of you, they will make every effort to beat you to death. One of the nicest touches of the game is the idea of perception as to your character's condition. Absorb a series of blows and Turner will appear scarred, complete with deep scratches and other wounds. Near-death status will cause the screen to darken and blur, the character needing to clear the scene of the battle in order to heal and continue fighting.

Kill Dr. Cote Mac Os Download

The mark of any great game is one in which you can hit 'the wall' (namely a challenging point that proves to be overwhelming) a few times, yet still want to keep playing. With Lugaru, even if an opponent wipes the floor with you several times in a row, there's a drive to come back later with a new tactic in mind and try this out as opposed to becoming bored with the game and never playing it again. Between the story, game play and overall inventiveness of new techniques to use (including a move in which you can leap behind an unsuspecting opponent and break their neck or impale them), the player is all but compelled to go back and pass the level.

Lugaru, a 25.9 MB download, retails for a $19.95 shareware registration fee and is available for both Windows and Mac OS X, requires a 400 MHz G3 processor, video card with at least 8 MB of VRAM and 64 MB of RAM. The game takes up 29.9 MB of hard drive space upon installation. One of the finest shareware games it's ever been my pleasure to play, please download this, give it a chance and see what you think, especially considering the fact that David Rosen essentially is Wolfire Software and took on the modeling, coding, writing and almost every other aspect of the project with almost no help whatsoever. Encourage this person, for his work is nothing short of incredible and given the consistent updates the game has received since its initial 1.0 release, the title will not fester on a back burner if he has anything to say about it.

Once again, if you've seen a cool shareware game, mod, utility or anything else nifty in the Mac universe, please let me know. In the meantime, stay cool, have fun with the rest of your summer and I'll be back next week.

Kill Dr. Cote Mac Oscar

Chris Barylick covers games for The Mac Observer, and has written for Inside Mac Games, MacGamer, UPI, the Washington Post, and other publications.

Send polite comments toChris Barylick, or post your comments below.

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